After you become engaged, the next step is getting married. The wedding cake has become an important part of the wedding reception. Once you have found the wedding cake of your dreams, then you have to find the perfect cake shop. When most couples think about the kind of wedding cake they want, the first thought is the look or design. However, aside from wanting your cake to look and taste amazing, it’s important to know what size cake you need to serve your guests. So, this post will help guide you through choosing the right wedding cake size.

Cakes vary in size depending on the number of guests you will be serving, if you’re planning to serve the entire cake or save the top tier. The cake size will also impact the design and cost of your cake. Depending on your guest count, you don’t want to have too little cake to serve. On the other hand, you don’t want to have a large amount of cake leftover at the end of your reception. Above is an awesome wedding cake size guide from that can assist you in knowing how many servings you’ll need for your reception. It will also give you some knowledge about size and servings before scheduling a wedding cake consultation. Your wedding planner can also help you find the right baker to design the perfect wedding cake. If you like this post check out our post Tools for Planning a Successful Wedding